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吴凯 律师北京大成(广州)律师事务所——中国改革开放45 周年值得推荐的优秀涉外律师

2023-10-23 11:56:00 吴凯律师

吴凯 律师



吴凯律师于2007年毕业于中山大学法学院,获法学硕士学位。在此之前毕业于广东外语外贸大学英语专业和南京航运学校船舶驾驶专业,曾任职二副。2018年 7月入选广东省涉外律师领军人才库,2019年 3月入选司法部千名涉外律师人才库,2022年5月入选广州市涉外律师领军人才库。

吴凯律师现任最高人民检察院民事行政案件咨询专家、 “一带一路”律师联盟会员、中国海商法协会会员、广东省法学会航运法学研究会常务理事、广东省律师协会海事海商法律专业委员会委员、广州市律师协会电子商务与物流法律专业委员会委员、广州国际商贸商事调解中心调解员、广州海事法院律师调解工作室调解员。


吴凯律师因处理多起重大涉外案件,获当事人赠送锦旗,被称“工作认真负责、办案卓有成效”,“慎思明辩析法理,忠信敦行维权益”,其团队被称“海事海商律师专家团队”。其处理的 “Trans Summer”轮油污案入选 2017 年“服务绿色发展促进美丽广东建设十大典型案例”,处理的“锦航 18”轮保险代位求偿纠纷案入选 2019年广东律师典型案例,处理的 “APL LOS Angeles”轮油污案被评为2020年全国十大典型海事案例之首。其处理的某水族馆亚克力板国际贸易纠纷香港仲裁案在面临重重困难的情况下几乎完全胜诉,获当事人盛赞。

Mr. WU Kai

Mr. WU Kai is now a partner of Denton Guangzhou Office 

Mr. WU graduated from the Law School of Sun Yat-Sen University majoring in economic law and obtained the Master’s Degree in 2007. Before that he graduated from Guandong University of Foreign Studies majoring in English and Nanjing Shipping School majoring in shipping. He was selected for One Thousand International Lawyers Talent Pool of the Ministry of Justice in March, 2019, for the Leading Talent Pool of Guangdong International Lawyers in July, 2018 and for the Leading Talent Pool of Guangzhou International Lawyers in May 2022.

Mr. WU is now a consultant expert of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate for civil and administrative cases, a member of the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, a member of China Maritime Law Association, an executive member of the Council of Guangdong Transport Law Society, a member of the Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee of Guangdong Lawyers Association, a member of the Electronic Commerce and Logistics Law Committee of Guangzhou Lawyers Association, a mediator of Guangzhou International Commercial Mediation Center, and a mediator of the Lawyer’s Mediation Office of Guangzhou Maritime Court. 

Mr. WU specializes in the areas of admiralty and maritime affairs, logistics, trade and e-commerce, property insurance and so on. He has rich experience in dispute resolution, especially for international cases. In nearly 15 years, he handled many difficult and complicated cases for the leading shipping companies and P&I clubs worldwide, leading insurance companies, shipyards, logistic companies, trading companies and etc. and achieved the satisfactory results for the clients. 

Mr. WU was presented banners by his clients for some significant international cases handled by him. He and his team were called “Working Hard and Achieving the Best Result”, “Thinking Carefully, Debating Reasonably, Being Loyal and Credible for Safeguarding the Client’s Rights and Interests” and “the Expert Team of Maritime Lawyers”. He accepted the interview by the TV stations several times. The oil pollution case of M/V “Trans Summer” handled by him was selected for the “Top Ten Typical Cases for Serving the Development without Damaging the Environment and Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Guangdong in 2017”. The case of M/V “Jin Hang 18” about the dispute over the contract of carriage of goods by sea handled by him was selected for the “Typical Cases Handled by Guangdong Lawyers in 2019”. The oil pollution case of M/V “APL Los Angeles” handled by him was selected as the first case of the “Top Ten Typical Maritime Cases in China in 2020”. Facing numerous difficulties, he almost completely won the case of dispute over international trade of acrylic panels in Hong Kong arbitration and was highly appraised by the client. 


电话:+86 20-85277000  85277001   

地址:广东省广州市珠江新城珠江东路6号广州周大福金融中心14层、15层, 邮编:510623

Email: kai.wu@dentons.cn   

Tel: +86 20-85277000  85277001

Add: 14&15/F,CTF Finance Centre,No.6 Zhujiang East Road,Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 510623